GMA Documents 2019-2020
OS GMA July 2nd 2020
OS GMA May 28th 2020
- All documents – OS GMA 28-05-2020
- 20200501 Agenda GMA 28-05-2020
- 20200502 Minutes GMA 30-04-2020
- 20200503 General Model of OS Activism Grants including manual classifications A-C
- 20200504 Regulations and manual – Activism Grants OS classification D
OS GMA April 30th 2020
- All documents OS GMA 30-04-2020
- 20200401 Agenda GMA 30-04-2020
- 20200402 Minutes GMA 27-02-2020
- 20200403 General Model of OS Activism Grants including manual classifications A-C
- 20200404 Regulations and manual – Activism Grants OS classification D
- Explanation Activism Grants Model changes
OS GMA March 26th 2020
This GMA was cancelled due to a lack of discussion points.
OS GMA February 27th 2019
- All documents OS GMA 27-02-2020
- 20200201 Agenda GMA 27-02-20
- 20200202 Minutes GMA 19-12-2019
- 20200203 Secretarial Half-year Report 2019-2020
- 20200204 Semi-Annual Financial Report OS 2019-2020 (Revised)
- 20200205 Alcohol at the University
- 20200206 Preliminary Year Planning – OS 2019-2020 (status 26-02)
- 20200207 Letter Audit Committee OS
OS GMA January 30th 2020
This GMA was cancelled due to a lack of discussion points.
OS GMA December 19th 2019
- All documents OS GMA 19-12-2019
- 20191201 Agenda GMA 19-12-2019
- 20191202 Minutes GMA 28-11-2019
- 20191203 SRC Budget 2019
- 20191204 Activism Grants Cat 1-4 Distribution 2019
- 20191205 Activism Grants Inventory 1,2,3 – 2020
- 20191206 Financial Evaluation KIOSK 2019
OS GMA November 28th 2019
- All documents OS GMA 28-11-2019
- 20191101 Agenda GMA 28-11-2019
- 20191102 Minutes GMA 31-10-2019
- 20191103 Activism Grants Cat4 proposal 2019
- 20191104 External Evaluation Kick-In 2019
- 20191105 Results FKI 2019
- 20191106 Kick-In Organisation and Goals
- 20191107 Evaluation GalOS 08-11
- 20191108 Budget and Result GalOS
OS GMA October 31st 2019
- All documents OS GMA 31-10-2019
- 20191001 Agenda GMA 31-10-2019
- 20191002 Minutes GMA 26-09-2019 (Revised)
- 20191003 Activism Grants Model 2018-2019
- 20191004 Incidental Grants Application Study Associations 2018
OS GMA September 26th 2019
- All documents OS GMA 26-09-2019
- 20190910 Agenda GMA 26-09-2019
- 20190911 Minutes GMA 05-09-2019 – Revised
- 20190912 Fobos 2019 (English)
- 20190913 Alcohol at the University (English)
- 20190914 Alcohol op de Universiteit Twente (Dutch)
- 20190915 Evaluation KIOSK (without finances)
OS GMA September 5th 2019
- All documents OS GMA 05-09-2019
- 20190901 Agenda GMA 05-09-2019
- 20190902 Minutes 2019-07-04
- 20190903 FOBOS 2018
- 20190904 FOBOS 2019
- 20190905 Annual policy report 2018-2019
- 20190906 Annual report Overleg Studieverenigingen 2018-2019
- 20190907 Policy Plan 2019-2020
- 20190908 Budget Overleg Studieverenigingen 2019-2020
- 20190909 Evaluation Book Contract Committee 2018-2019
- OS-Cup Point System