GMA Documents 2017-2018
OS GMA July 5th 2018
- 20180701 Agenda GMA 05-07-2018
- 20180702 Minutes OS GMA 31-05-2018
- 20180703 Proposal Division Extra Grants
OS GMA May 31st 2018
- All documents
- 20180501 Agenda GMA 31-05-2018
- 20180502 Minutes GMA 26-04-2018
- 20180503 Contribution Fee
OS GMA April 26th 2018
- All documents
- 20180401 Agenda 26-04-2018
- 20180402 Minutes OS GMA 29-03-2018
- 20180403 Beschikking Drank en Horeca
OS GMA March 29th 2018
OS GMA February 22nd 2018
- All documents
- 20180201 Agenda 22-02-2018
- 20180202 Minutes GMA 25-01-2018
- 20180203 Half-yearly policy update
- 20180204 Half-yearly financial update
OS GMA January 25th 2018
- Agenda 25-01-2018
- Minutes GMA 20171130
- Agreements and vision on constitution drinks
- Proposal rules constitution drinks
OS GMA December 21st 2017
This GMA was cancelled due to a lack of discussion points.
OS GMA November 30th 2017
- All documents
- Agenda 30-11-2017
- Minutes GMA 2017-10-26
- 20171101 Name Change
- 20171102 Agreements and vision on constitution drinks
- 20171103 Proposal activism grants distribution 2017
- 20171104 Inventory activsm grants 2018
- 20171105 Begroting subsidiering studiereizen 2018_UFonds
- 20171105 OS-SRC budget 2018
OS GMA October 26th 2017
- Agenda GMA October 26th 2017
- Minutes GMA September 28th 2017
- 20171001 KIOSK evaluation
- 20171002 Activism Grants Category 4 Proposal